Milk for Coffee

Scientific exploration of Milk for Coffee has been a hobby for Morten since 2003 where he first started his interest for coffee.

His first appearance with a presentation in milk was on Iceland in 2004 where he presented a model of understanding cappuccino foam merging organic foam theory with milk chemistry.

This work led to several smaller research projects on handling cappuccino foam in a laboratory that ended with a bigger funding to really explore the subject in a research project that is now published in International Dairy Journal in collaboration with Naturmælk which lead to the invention of the CafeMælk now call Baristamilk manufactured and sold by Naturmælk

The background of the project and particularly the invention of the measurement method is described in the presentation before the scientific publication of the work:

And after the publication we made several more conclusions on the data that was covered in a talk at CoLab in Paris in 2016 starting at 17:20 in the below video (also available on Youtube):

In 2015 Morten was contacted by Shaun and Rebecca Young from London who wanted to create a milk for the coffee business and together they created The Estate Dairy ( that has successfully served many coffee shops in London and local area.

We also did further research with a feeding experiment where the chemistry of the milk as well as sensory properties of the feeding experiment was evaluated.


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