Webinar: Why Rate of Rise is a bad reference point for optimizing flavour in coffee roasting
How to forget what confuse so you can focus on what matters
On this Free webinar we’ll cover how you can build your roast profiles with intention and success based on the ideas presented in the blogpost Why Rate Of Rise Is A Bad Reference Point For Optimizing Flavour In Coffee Roasting
You can use these techniques to get clear on why Rate of Rise is a bad reference point for quality, understand how CoffeeMind uses science to make your life simpler and more purposeful, and even go deep in the material presented during the Q&A session at the end of the webinar!
We even show you how you can filter good from bad advice so you never waste your time again!
In fact, here’s just a sample of what we’ll answer for you / cover on this incredible webinar:
- what is the features of a good theory and why is the RoR andectode not a theory?
- why does the RoR not provide useful sensory predictions?
- Why is fewer data better?
- What are the unfortunate practical consequences of obsession with constantly declining RoR?
- Why should you not improvise and micromanage the flame during roasting?
- How can you predict coffee flavour based on the roast curve
- Which parameters are best to focus on whan you translate profiles between machines?
- What is Ceteris paribus (‘everything else being equal’ principle)
- What is the difference between descriptive and preference data and how to use it in coffee roasting?
- What is the difference between Roasting defects and linear flavour predictions?
… and much, MUCH More!
Don’t miss this breakthrough webinar that will finally show you How can you avoid falling for anecdotal theories in the future (Pangborn’s Razor!).