Stronghold Roast Profile Design Basics

30.00 ex. vat

SKU: 37 Category:

This basic Stronghold roasting is meant as a basis for your understanding of roast profile design to support beginners in not getting lost in complexity (as typically happens when they browse the internet for education) and for professionals who has spend a lot of time in the community where a plurality of voices has left most professionals exhausted and a bit confused.

The course is designed and taught by Morten Münchow who has been teaching more than 1500 individuals in small groups of 6-8 people at London School of Coffee and CoffeeMind Academy in Copenhagen since 2007. His basis for a much simplifiyed (but actionable and relevant) approach to coffee roasting comes from his background in science (real scientists are simplifying the world and not overcomplicating it (see this youtube video for more:

You will get

  • 150 minutes of video divided into 6 video with sub chapters
  • 24 quizzes to make sure you incorporate the video teachings into your brain!
  • A new basis of certainty of what is important and what is NOT important
  • Simpler and more actionable approach New Product Development and Quality Control
  • A better understanding of how science can be used in coffee roasting
  • A certificate with your name on it upon course completion

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