Coffee Science for Home Roasters

Stop following somebody else’s curves!!!
Become your own roast profile
modulation wizard
How to forget what confuse so you can focus on what matters

January 25th 7pm
Central European Time

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On this Free webinar Morten and Nicolai will cover how you can build your roast profiles with intention and success – also on your small batch home roaster!
Home-roasters is an growing domain in specialty coffee circles and small drum and air-roasters are making their way into many households these days.
In this webinar we will focus on the coffee science that are relevant also in a home roaster scenario, and doubling down on some of the myths of roasting.
Often ridiculed by the coffee industry, home-roasters are often setting of on a mission to roast as well or better as the professionals – This webinar helps you achieve that!
I will cover the most important parameters when setting out on a roast and the science behind some of the decision you will need to take when choosing your bean and roastprofile
In fact, here’s just a sample of what we’ll answer for you on this incredible webinar:

  • The most important parameters to focus on and what to forget
  • How to choose your bean based on what you want out of your roast?
  • What is the features of a good theory
  • Why is fewer data better?
  • Set, forget and let the PID do it’s job
  • How can you predict coffee flavour based on the roast curve
  • Which parameters are best to focus on when you translate profiles between machines?
  • Can you translate a drum roast profile to an airbed roaster and how?
  • What is the difference between descriptive and preference data and how to use it in coffee roasting?

… and much, MUCH More!
The seminar is followed by a Q&A session with Morten Munchow
Don’t miss this breakthrough webinar that will finally show you How can you avoid falling for anecdotal theories in the future (Pangborn’s Razor!)

Morten Münchow
  • Roasted his first batch of coffee in 2005
  • Has been teaching more than 1600 individuals in small groups of 6-8 the craft of coffee roasting at London School of Coffee and CoffeeMind Academy in Copenhagen
  • Consulting more than 30+ roasteries world wide
  • Is author of 11 scientific papers
Nicolai Sølling

Nicolai Sølling and Morten Münchow has been friends since 1992 and played in a band together (Nico played the bass and Morten the drums) and working with IT security in the UAE Nicolai has gone ALL IN on gourmet coffee both as a home barista and home roaster.

Particularly Nicolai started home-roasting about 2 years ago when he backed the kaffelogic roaster on kickstarter and really did not look back since.

The hundreds of hours of talking and playing together Morten and Nicolai has a special approach to the bridge between the professional and prosumer coffee approach.